Order Same Day Flower Delivery in Leyland

Poppy's Flower Design Florist in Leyland

Welcome to Poppy's Flower Design, your trusted florist in the heart of Leyland. We create modern, professional floral arrangements for all occasions.
We also specialise in stunning wedding and thoughtful funeral designs.

We offer both delivery and collection services, proudly serving Leyland and surrounding areas including Preston, Euxton, Chorley, and Lostock Hall. For beautiful flowers and expert service, choose Poppy's Flower Design!

Best Selling Flowers
Florist's Choice - Neutral
Florist's Choice - Bright & Bold
Sugar Pop!
Peach Perfection
Peachy Keen
Pretty in Pink
Florist's Choice
Sweet Violet
Just Delivered

A small selection of our latest bouquets and arrangements hand delivered in Leyland

Shop online anytime, 24/7, and take advantage of our dependable delivery or collection service.

Whether you need same-day, next-day, or scheduled flower delivery, we've got it covered!